Company policy

 «VİP Services Group» LLC’s policy in the field of Quality, Occupational Health and Safety is aimed at implementing measures of the Integrated Management System based on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 international standards to:


  • Ensure flight safety and service quality while providing ground services;


  • Achieve customer satisfaction by providing quality service and offering luxury goods at competitive prices;


  • Create safe and healthy working conditions and, reduce or eliminate occupational injuries and diseases.


In its activities «VİP Services Group» LLC applies the following principles:


·        To ensure fire safety, occupational safety, quality, and environmental safety;


·        Identifying and implementing objectives to ensure, the company’s business activities are in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and, International standards ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018;


·        Compliance of the Integrated Management System with the International Standards ISO 9001:2015, İSO 45001:2018, Aviation Standard ISAGO, ICAO and IATA requirements to provide safe and qualitative ground handling services;


·        Creating conditions for maximum participation of staff to ensure the provision of qualitative and safe services;


·        Establishing, implementing and maintaining  a hazard identification process;


·        Building a risk management process into the Integrated management system;


·        Ensure public safety at operational sites;


·        Providing workplace with equipment, required resources and maintenance;


·        Offering practical and safer working methods and techniques;


·        Periodically reviewing operational risks and implementing new technologies to ensure a safer working environment;


·        Evaluating employees to determine specific duties and responsibilities on safety issues;


·        Improving and implementing the processes of risk management, identification of the source of the hazards, business risks and methods of presenting information for eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks that can arise from operational factors;


·        Improving performance indicators in the area of quality, occupational health, and safety;


·        Continued skill development, improvement of performance and knowledge, training, and consulting for staff in the field of quality, occupational health, and safety;


·        Employing an accommodating and experienced staff;


·        Increasing operations efficiency by expanding the level of automation and implementing advanced innovative technologies;


·        Building strong customer relationships and determine their needs and expectations;


·        Strict adherence to the standards set by the food suppliers and manufacturers while storing and serving in order to eliminate the possibility of food poisoning;


·        Improving the occupational health and safety culture, supporting a system to protecting workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risks and opportunities;

·        Compliance with legislation and international agreements regulating the company’s activities in the field of the quality control, occupational health and safety, high-quality execution of liabilities in due time in compliance with standard agreements (SGHA and SLA) made with airlines, as well as liabilities of compliance with agreements for providing ground handling services and luxury goods made with other corporate customers and partners;


·        Creating a partnership with Global Brands to offer valuable luxury goods to our customers;


·        Regularly updating collections, improving assortment and establishing new partnerships to ensure customer satisfaction;


·        Offering luxury goods at competitive prices while focusing on the sustainable development of the Product, Process and System;


«VİP Services Group» LLC management will take all measures required for:


·        İnforming employees, customers, partners and shareholders about company Policy;

·        Providing essential resources required to fulfill the above tasks;

·        Implementation of Quality, health, and safety Policy;

·        Funding, ensure compliance, and continual improvement the effectiveness of the IMS;

·        Participation of employees on processes of IMS;

·        Monitoring of operational processes and performing Management review;

·        Adjusting the company policy to the scale of the organization’s quality, occupational health, and safety risks;

·        Providing the framework for setting, and reviewing quality, occupational health and safety objectives;

·        Implementing and maintaining the document of quality, occupational health, and safety policy;

·        Informing all employees about company goals and objectives;

·        Periodically reviewing company’s quality, occupational health, and safety policy for continual improvement;

·        Identifying internal and external factors influencing the IMS;

·        Determining the needs and expectations of employees to improve the working environment;

·        Ensuring the integration of quality, health and safety management systems into business processes of Company;

Maintaining Quality, Occupational Health, and Safety policy to ensure, the policy is appropriate to the purpose, size, and context of the Company, to the specific nature of its risks, opportunities, and supports its strategic direction. 

Company policy